
東洋文庫ミュージアム (3)



もっぱら課題をこなす書道活動の本来の有り様の再確認。先人の筆文字の展示を目にするところに有り!! です。


Until recently, I was writing something similar to what someone 1000 years ago wrote!!

It gives me a rich feeling that I am connecting cultures in this way.


1000年前の人が書いたようなものを、自分もさっきまで書いてました !!っていう感覚。


Let's Go to Sachi-Studio.


Step1 ARCHIVE GALLERY You can find a way how to assemble an illustration in it.

 "Sachi" means

"happiness" "fortune" "luck"or "bless in Japanese.

In your Life, Curiosity & Love 


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