#sachi-studio #animal #動物 #lion #ライオン #person #カモメ #praying mantis #カマキリ #fish #魚
237 pictures 237点


animal book illustration



・Real animal features come from side outlines. 


・Illustrations for kids come with front face 


・shellfish, fish, amphibians, crustaceans, mollusks, insects... 貝・魚・両生類・甲殻類・軟体動物・昆虫...


Encyclopedia 動物図鑑

For kids 簡単に描ける動物達

Let's Go to Sachi-Studio.


Step1 ARCHIVE GALLERY You can find a way how to assemble an illustration in it.

 "Sachi" means

"happiness" "fortune" "luck"or "bless in Japanese.

In your Life, Curiosity & Love 


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